Wild Ride: Lance and Tammy Page 16
The brunette’s blue eyes went to Tammy and she could see the curiosity in them.
Lance stood up and actually placed a kiss on the woman’s cheek in greeting. It was an indicator to her that he knew the woman intimately.
“Marianne Fletcher, this is my friend Tamara Easler.”
Tammy did her best to keep the disappointment out of her expression. He’d introduced her as if she was just a family friend when she stupidly thought she was more than that now. She said hello and slid the hand with the ring on it under the table. She didn’t know why Lance did that, but it hurt.
“Nice to meet you Tamara.”
“I prefer Tammy.” She actually said it with a smile and in her most genuine voice. Lance should have figured out by now that she didn’t like the name her mother gave her because she’d always used it in contempt. Tammy was much more common and down to earth as far as she was concerned. Also, her mother would never use it.
“Tammy then.” Marianne’s voice was pleasant but she seemed to dismiss her as soon as she greeted her. Her attention turned back to Lance. “So are we ready for Wednesday?”
Now that got Tammy’s attention. Was he taking Marianne too? This wasn’t making sense.
“It’ll be perfect. You always manage to pull it off,” he stated.
She placed her hand on Lance’s chest. “Oh stop. No one ran this charity better than you, and you know it. I couldn’t do it without your connections,” she fluttered, then looked at Tammy briefly. “Don’t mind me. I get worked up every year around this time because I have big shoes to fill.” She gave a false laugh and waved it off. “I never have flopped yet, but I always have that worry.”
Tammy wanted to roll her eyes. Then, it finally dawned on her. This was the friend that he handed the charity to. For some reason she thought it was a man. Well, she should have been relieved that they’d known each other that way, but the woman was outrageously flirting with him, so again, she began to wonder if there was a relationship involved. She also really didn’t appreciate the woman’s hand on his chest. The very chest she’d rested her head on this morning.
“I’ll expect you at my after party.” Marianne plucked imaginary lint off of his shoulder before she smoothed her hand over the same area.
“I wouldn’t miss it.”
Tammy wanted to peel the woman off of him, but he was perfectly capable of doing that himself and didn’t seem too eager to remove the woman’s hands off of his body. She clenched her jaw and forced a smile like it didn’t bother her.
Her attention finally went to Tammy again. “Of course you are invited Tammy. Any friend of Lance’s is welcome.”
“Thank you.” Tammy knew she was just inviting her because she was sitting there, but she would definitely take it. She knew if she didn’t the woman would have her tentacles into Lance so quick it would make his head spin.
“Well, I must be going. My friends are waiting. Ta-ta.”
“Ta-ta,” Tammy mimicked waving her fingers.
Lance took his seat again and met Tammy’s eyes. His were laced with amusement. Hers weren’t. Tammy never had to deal with envy the likes of this before. Things were different between them now and she felt a little—territorial.
“Your new charity chair is a woman.” It was a statement, not a question and it might have sounded a little clipped. He noticed.
“Jealous.” A corner of his mouth slid up.
Her eyes widened. “Of course I am.”
He looked surprised, then burst out laughing.
“She’s gorgeous,” she added incredibly. “Who wouldn’t be? And the way she was touching you—I wanted to scream.”
It took him a moment to get his laughter under control. He was shaking his head and staring at her when the waiter came back. He quickly dismissed him by ordering the specials. Then he placed his forearms on the table and leaned toward her. “Yes, she’s beautiful, and before you die of curiosity and probably won’t ask, yes, I did date her.”
“I was curious, but it’s not my business.” This whole incident had Tammy’s self-confidence falling bit by bit.
He sat back in his seat and tilted his head while contemplating her response, or lack thereof. “I know you aren’t used to a relationship the likes of what we have, but I have no problem answering your questions.”
“It’s none of my business Lance,” she repeated taking a large gulp of wine.
“I always thought that was one of your best qualities. You were never one to bother with gossip or seek it out. However, she will be sitting at our table tomorrow night so I don’t want any tension there.”
She set her glass down and looked injured. “Lance, it means a lot to you. I’ll be fine. I was raised on etiquette. Trust me.”
“I do trust you. It’s her I’m concerned about.” He smirked.
“Oh.” She flushed.
Again he studied her expression. Then he leaned forward again and spoke. “She was a semi-serious girlfriend. I dated her for about a year.”
“You don’t need to—“
“She wanted marriage at the time and I didn’t. She was possessive of me around others, not just women, but anyone or anything that drew my attention from her including my job. The relationship ended when Riley was murdered. I concentrated more on the trial, and she decided not to wait. She obviously didn’t know who I really was and wanted someone else.”
“I’m sorry.”
He smiled. “You really are aren’t you?”
“I am. It’s terrible that you went through that without some kind of support from people you care about.” I would have waited. What woman would desert a man when he needed her the most?
“It’s been a few years and she’s matured a little more.”
If he thinks so. Tammy resisted the urge to show her disagreement. It was the subtle hints the woman was giving off; the touching, flattering, and the veiled condescension toward her.
“She has expressed interest on getting back together again.”
She was certain it was physically impossible for her heart to fall at her feet, but it sure felt like it. “And?”
Now he looked stunned.
“I meant, when this is over.” She waved her hand at nothing in particular.
She felt her face heat up. Was she being clueless, or was he? “The faux engagement.”
“Just the engagement?” he repeated not believing her at all.
Obviously he could tell that’s not what she meant. Again, he was being way too insightful for her comfort. “Okay, you and me.”
“Seriously Tam?”
She took a deep breath and released it quickly in exasperation. “Forgive me Lance. I don’t know how this all works.” She fought to keep her eyes from watering. The idea of ending this just didn’t sit well with her and he never gave her any indication that he was interested in keeping it going.
“Well, Jesus, neither do I. We’re moving really fast.”
Her mouth fell open. Seriously? Fast? She’d been in love with this man for five years.
“Hey.” He reached over and took her hand. “Tam, look at me.”
She hadn’t realized that her gaze fell to the table cloth. She did as he asked.
“I’m not tossing you aside for Marianne. It’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard. She’s a very self-centered woman, even though her intentions with my charity are well founded.”
“You introduced me as a friend.”
“I told you why. She’s possessive. I didn’t want her to make your evening uncomfortable at the charity event. You’ve already dealt with enough from your mother and Richard.”
Oh why didn’t she see that he was looking out for her? Her heart swelled. “I’m sorry. I can be stupid.”
“You’re not the least bit stupid, but I forget on how naïve you are despite your profession. I’m also surprised at this sudden insecurity though. You’ve always radiated confidence.”
“Yes, I’ve always been
secure with my body image, my job, and my intelligence, but that was before—well, before you and me.” She’d opened herself up like she’d never done before. She felt he could see right to her bones, her heart, and into her mind. It was unsettling, but she was fighting to be brave and trust that he wouldn’t hurt her.
He thought about that for a moment. “I understand.”
Of course he did. She’d opened herself up to someone for the first time in her life, not just physically, but emotionally as well. It left her completely exposed. He could really do some damage if he wanted to. She was trusting him not to. It wasn’t like her to trust someone so freely.
“Something you should know about me. She left me and I don’t chase after women.”
Of course he didn’t. He didn’t have to. They fell at his feet.
“I also don’t give second chances.”
That seemed a little harsh, but again, it was easy for him to carry on. Lance was upfront about the things he wanted. He liked structure—control, more importantly, his controlling things. She supposed he didn’t want to waste time dealing with drama because there was always someone else taking that empty spot. It also made sense why none of his relationships got really serious.
Their meal came at that time.
“She’s still beautiful,” she mumbled before taking the first bite.
“We’ll talk about this later—in bed,” he added huskily, yet softly so no one else could hear.
Lance didn’t even wait for the elevator door to close before he pushed her back against the wall and kissed her passionately. His hands moved over the warm flesh of her thighs and up under the skirt of her dress. He cupped her bottom and effortlessly, and quickly, lifted her on his hips. She gasped against his mouth at the sudden movement. He pressed himself between her thighs all the while taking her mouth with unleashed passion. She groaned and wrapped her legs around him. For some reason it hadn’t even occurred to her that someone could walk in at that moment.
Tammy was mindless. He had said he was aggressive, and from what she was experiencing, he wasn’t holding back anymore. Her fingers twisted in his hair.
When the doors opened to his penthouse, he pulled her away from the wall, turned and walked down the hall to his room without letting her go. He pushed her up against the door to his bedroom and she heard the distinct sound of the doorknob turning, then it swung open. He kicked it shut behind him, walked over to the bed and laid her on it. Then he stood up.
She reached for him and he shook his head as he started to unbutton his shirt. His eyes were smoldering as he looked down at her. She licked her lips and raised herself up on her elbows to watch him.
He stripped off his shirt tossing it to the floor. Then he held a finger to his masculine mouth before he turned away.
She watched him not understanding what he was doing. He went down the hall to his dressing room, then emerged a few minutes later with one of his ties.
She tilted her head at him. He just smiled as he kicked off his shoes and came up behind her on the bed.
“Just a little something to heighten your pleasure,” he murmured as he covered her eyes with the wide base of the material, tying it behind her head.
She smiled. My pleasure? A thrill shot through her.
Then he bent down and kissed her again, holding her head firmly.
His mouth was hard, warm and sensual. He was right; she could notice more this way. His masculine scent was divine! The way he even breathed was enough to get her aroused. It was heavy, sexual.
Then he was gone, and she could hear the rustle of material, like he was finishing striping off his clothes
“Oh Lance, I hate missing this part.”
Her answer was a soft chuckle.
Then she felt the bed shift as he moved beside her again. “Sit up.”
She did as he asked and he lifted her dress over her head. Her bra was next. She felt completely exposed because she couldn’t see his reaction. He obviously sensed her insecurity from what he said next.
“In a moment you won’t care.”
She felt herself smile again. That deep timbre he possessed seemed to dismiss the nervousness in an instant. Then she felt the bed shift again as he got off it. What was he doing?
Strong hands circled her ankles and then slowly moved up the length of her legs.
“Tam, you’re legs are incredible. Having these wrapped around me while I’m inside you, is hot as hell.”
She sighed as his strong hands continued to caress the flesh of her legs and she was certain she could feel him smile.
Further up, his hands went until she felt his fingers around the waistband of her panties.
“Lift your hips love.”
She did and he slid the delicate material off of her slowly.
Then his hands moved up her legs again, over her abdomen.
“Oh, Lance, you’re killing me.”
“And I’m just getting started,” he chuckled huskily.
Well, obviously she wasn’t the only one that was turned on by the sound of the restraint in his voice. She felt him move his palms over her knees and separate her legs. Then she felt him move again, coming between them. She started to feel really vulnerable again, that is until she felt his fingers exploring her.
“Oh, God.” How he could do that was beyond her. Stars exploded in her head.
Then something else.
His mouth, hot, wet and on her.
She arched and called his name.
Then his tongue—
She fisted her hands in his hair and pulled—hard.
He groaned but didn’t break contact.
Again and again he brought her to the peak of an orgasm but eased back when she came close. It was tortuous. It was unfathomable. It was incredible.
Just when she thought she couldn’t take it, that she would die, he released her. She cried out, but he gripped her hips and pulled her against him. His breathing was raspy now.
He slammed into her and she cried out in shock and pleasure.
It was hard, fast, and mind-blowing.
She was so far gone, that she cried out with every thrust matching his own vocal pleasure.
Then the world exploded into a thousand pieces and his mouth was hot on hers. Devouring her.
They lay in a tangle of limbs, perspiration, and heavy breathing. Their bodies were crossways on his bed. He moved to the side and pulled her against him. She could feel the rapid rise and fall of his chest against hers. He pulled the tie off her eyes and tossed it against the wall. Then he gently kissed each eye before tucking her head against his neck.
She just couldn’t speak. In fact, she was certain she’d blacked out at one point. His hand rubbed up and down her spine.
“Well, that was nice,” he murmured still breathing heavy.
She laughed. It was said in humor. He knew, as well as she did, that it knocked their socks off.
“Hell, Tam, what am I going to do with you?”
“I already think you’ve done plenty.”
He chuckled.
She propped her head up on her hand and stared down at him.
“What is it?”
“I’m in so much trouble here Lance.” Her expression became serious and she could feel her eyes water.
He adjusted his head so he could see her better. Then he lifted his hand and ran his fingers down the side of her face until he cupped her chin and tilted her head so she was staring directly at him. “Okay baby, what’s going on?”
His soft words did make her cry and he rubbed the tears away gently with his calloused thumb.
She shook her head.
“Do you mean with your family—the lie we’re telling them?” His eyes searched hers for some sort of indication that he was right.
God, for a highly intelligent man, he was so dense right now. She cried harder.
“Shhh, I can’t handle seeing you like this.” He pulled her close so her head
was tucked under his chin. “I told you. We’ll straighten it out after your brother gets back from his honeymoon.”
She only nodded wishing she had the courage to say the words she’d felt for so long.
“I know this is hard on you because you are full of integrity. It’s only for a few more days.”
God, that sounded like a death sentence. She didn’t want this to end. For the first time, she didn’t want things to go back to normal before they came here. Again she nodded. Coward, she thought to herself. He held her until the tears stopped and she fell asleep.
The next morning she woke alone. She sat up and looked around the room listening for him. Nothing. Her hand moved over the indent in his bed and it was cold. He was gone for a while. She glanced at the clock. It was just before ten. How on earth does she sleep like that? She reluctantly got up and went to her room to shower. She knew he wanted to take her shopping, and most likely he’d already worked out then eaten. He was probably waiting on her. How she’d not heard him come and go was beyond her. She was a very light sleeper and he would have had to shower after his morning workout, then gotten dressed. She must’ve been in a coma. Gosh, how many times did he walk back and forth in the room with her sleeping sound? Would he have stopped and stared at her? Wow, she thought she felt vulnerable before.
After her shower she combed her hair and threw on a pair of newer jeans and a green and white striped blouse that nicely fit the lines of her body.
When she went upstairs to the kitchen Vern was sitting at the breakfast counter reading the newspaper and sipping coffee. Gosh, how long was he waiting for her? Was he waiting for her? He glanced up and said hello. She smiled and looked past him to Lance and her heart stilled. He was standing in front of one of the big windows talking on the phone. The light outlined his beautiful male form in a dark silhouette, but there was no mistaking it was him.
“Come get something to eat dear.”
She returned her attention to the kitchen where Mavis was sliding a plate in front of one of the empty seats. It was loaded with what looked like pancakes, blueberry pancakes. She could see the dark balls within the pancake. Her stomach growled its approval. “Blueberry?” she lifted her brows.